
A 21 years old Computer Science student who loves to tinker with his devices. In love with dead gaming platforms.

Range of skills and interests

  1. TL;DR
  2. Programming Languages
    1. I have experience in
    2. Currently studying
  3. Software
    1. I use regularly
    2. I have experience in
    3. Frameworks / Libraries


I have put effort into a lot of programming languages, starting with JavaScript and ending with Hare. Nevertheless, the ones that have stuck with me are C/C++, Python, Java and Swift, thus I have been working on honing my skill set using those four languages.

I have been studying data structures and memory management for almost half a year now. When combined, they give the engineer an enormous power to use. Nevertheless, great power comes with great responsibilities, therefore I have been taking positions as a software architect in almost every project I have participated in. By doing so, I have drastically enhanced my understanding of software structure and internal hierarchy as an "architect".

If we talk about the development paradigms and principles, I would love to have more experience in data-oriented programming, as opposed to the object-oriented programming currently widely used in the industry.
I have experience with so-called "Agile Development Cycle", as well as branch-oriented programming.

In the past I was an avid "host-it-yourself" enthusiast, which leads to my experience with (Linux / Unix)-based systems, as well as (systemd / runit) service management software. I hosted multiple instances such as: NextCloud, Gitea, Drone CI, Plausible and Wordpress. The underlying systems those services were hosted on were Debian, Ubuntu and Alpine Linux.

Programming Languages

I have experience with

The following languages include a progress level written in the brackets.

Currently studying


This section includes almost all software I either use regularly or have used previously.

I use regularly

I have experience with

Frameworks / Libraries